I can't understand-
· Why people change the content of mail without changing a topic / subject line?
· Why don't see previous posted mails? The format for medical examination was provided at least 2-3 times, hardly 10-15 days ago. Anyway, one is attached.
From: dgms_mail_list@yahoogroups.com [mailto:dgms_mail_list@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2016 6:49 AM
To: dgms_mail_list@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: DGMS Mailing List: First Aid Certificates for competency examination.
"vinayak naik vinayak_panjim@yahoo.co.in [dgms_mail_list]" <dgms_mail_list@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Can anyone send me the format of medical certificate required for second class exam Vinayak Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android From:"B Arunachalam iyer_arunachalam@yahoo.ca [dgms_mail_list]" <dgms_mail_list@yahoogroups.com> Date:Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 12:36 Subject:Re: DGMS Mailing List: First Aid Certificates for competency examination. I feel that this should form part of syllabus in Diploma/degree level and getting a separate certificate to be taken out. The fact remains many of the certificate holders lag behind in knowledge. Those applying for exams waste nearly a year to appear. let us get the feelings of others. Of course i have retired and out of the field now. But i had lost couple of years only for certificate as the location where i was then did not have the facility On Friday, August 19, 2016 10:25 AM, "baranitharan39@yahoo.com [dgms_mail_list]" wrote: For appearing in any competency examination Valid First aid certificates is necessary. But with the case of St John ambulance association the issue of certificates after passing its examination takes appx more than one years which makes delay in getting the statutory certificates for candidates. DGMS has also approved First aid certificates issued from Multi-Disciplinary centre on Safety Health and environment, Bhubaneshwar, odisha for the purpose of 15 (1) b of MMR 1961 i.e for appearing in Competency examination. But in some cases while applying for examination with this certificates generally the application getting rejected. Are there any tips for avoiding the certificate getting rejected after applying with these certificates? Circular approving these certificates is attached herewith. | |
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Directorate General of Mines Safety, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India
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