Monday, 12 August 2013

12:50:00 pm


Dear Mr. Gopi Kadiyala,
That is a very good suggestion. Computerization and automation of (1) documents and (2) processes at DGMS would help mining companies as well as DGMS itself.
Please share your thoughts on where to start this change from and who is authorized to initiate such a program.
Best regards,

From: Kadiyala Gopi <>
To: dgms <>
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2013 8:58 PM
Subject: DGMS Mailing List: computerization of DGMS activites [2 Attachments]
All respected Members
Today i want share something what we can do  at  DGMS OFFICE too.
As all you know in olden days getting passport means is a big task.But today as all you know,that is  simple like anything.
Process same but activities are done by using software programming.I want share some pics as well as pdf application(By programming) of the  indian passport system.

So finally my opinion is why can't we do this for all dgms certificates(1st,2nd class etc) & as well as all dgms records like accident report,annual eturns,permissions etc(hard & soft copies) in Dgms site.

If  everybody suggest & support this system, our DGMS  may introduce this system by within 4 months.
pls find the attached demos& pics of this system.

Best Regards,
Gopi kadiyala
FCC holder (Metal Restricted)

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