Hi all,
Its very simple to understand.
When to cut some portion of hill for mining and place ( cast) it to other places, its called open-casting .
But when we go below surface level and make pit, its called open pit.
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-------- Original message --------
From: "CHIRAG chiragthakor4u@yahoo.co.in [dgms_mail_list]" <dgms_mail_list@yahoogroups.com>
Date: 10/10/2014 18:53 (GMT+05:30)
To: dgms_mail_list@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: DGMS Mailing List: differance between openCast And Open Pit
OPEN PIT- is a surface mining method in which overburden is stripped and transported To a disposal area to uncover mineral deposit.
OPENCAST- is also surface exploitation method which resemble openpit mining but differ in one unique respect - the overburden is not transported to waste dumps for disposal but cast or hauled directly into adjacent mined out area.
-Chirag Thakor
+91 81287 64436
OPENCAST- is also surface exploitation method which resemble openpit mining but differ in one unique respect - the overburden is not transported to waste dumps for disposal but cast or hauled directly into adjacent mined out area.
-Chirag Thakor
+91 81287 64436
From: rakesh pandey pandeyrk68@yahoo.co.in [dgms_mail_list]
Sent: 10-10-2014 15:54
To: dgms_mail_list@yahoogroups.com
Subject: DGMS Mailing List: differance between openCast And Open Pit
Dear sir,
please define me what is difference between Open cast and Open Pit.
Posted by: satishverma_29 <satishverma_29@yahoo.co.in>
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