Sunday, 13 October 2013

9:38:00 pm


 Dear all,

Kindly guide us regarding Section 33-Extra wages for overtime & Section 35-Limitation of daily hours of work including overtime work of Mines Act 1952

Can anybody tell  Overtime details in Open cast mine working
1.Can person employed in a mine work for more than 8hours?
2. Overtime duty can extend upto how many hours in a day for a person employed in a mine?
3. Is there any bye law, circular, rule,regulations,case study details or any legal opinion details for control of overtime?
4.Whether Overtime duty can be Rigths of a person employed in a mine?
5. 11th national mines safety conference also briefed about overtime not more than 4 hours in a day for contractual person, whether it will applicable to an employer also?

Hope Mines Act 1952 were made for Safety, Health, Welfare of an person employed in a mine; but now a days due to overtime duty made rights of a person employed in a mine which in turn leads to Less Efficiency,Decreased morality and Discipline , Increased Accidents,Increased Health issues, Increased medical treatment etc...were taking place in organized sectors.

In view of the above comments/discussion were invited from all. 

With Thanks
Deepesh KG

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