Tuesday, 12 May 2015

11:09:00 am


Dear Sh. Subrahmanyam,

I am totally agreed to your view. May I know process to transfer as I have just joined this group. Is online transfer possible which is very easy and quick to do.

Thanks and regards,
Mazhar Shaikh

On 12 May 2015 10:54, "cvsnmdc@yahoo.co.in [dgms_mail_list]" <dgms_mail_list@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Dear everybody,

Let me start with two Quotes:

It's not that successful people are givers; it is that givers are successful people ~ Patti Thor.

It is greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can do little; do what you can. ~ Sydney Smith.

I felt happy when I saw the mail of the Web Master that DGMS mail is having 5000 users. Also I felt very sad that out of 5000, Web Master received contribution from only two persons to keep the site alive.

 I came across great debates, explanations and knowledge sharing from great personalities of Mining fraternity, latest information like latest DGMS circulars , exams dates ,results, jobs and what not, everything which is very much needed for every one of us in this platform.

 Last year also I saw Web Master's request for the same and the request was taken care by one kind person and we enjoyed the fruits till now.

Why should the Web Master ask for this request every year when 5000 strong Mining fraternity is with him?

If we contribute Rs 100/- each,we can pool Rs 500000/-

Or else let us contribute whatever amount we like to contribute, definitely we can pool up a respectable corpus fund. (We cannot expect 100% contribution from our members.)

We can ask Web master to run the site with the interest of the fund. Also we can make some improvements in the site.

I sincerely request every member of this group for the help of this site, which in turn helps us.

Also don't postpone the date to send your contribution.

Let me conclude with:

Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something.


A.G.M(Mining), NMDC Ltd.

Bacheli Complex.

Mobile: 9425266355


Posted by: Mazhar shaikh <mazhar4u2@gmail.com>
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